Baikal State Reserve
Republic of Buryatia, p. Tankho The huge gene pool of wild plants and animals is preserved in the reserve: the total number of known species of higher and lower plants reaches 2 thousand species, vertebrate animals - more than 350, invertebrates - more than 1500 species
Barguzin valley
Republic of Buryatia, Barguzinsky region Barguzin Valley, unique in its beauty of landscapes, ethnic complexes, history, culture, is considered one of the most promising tourist destinations of the Baikal region. In the Barguzin Valley there are several attractions.
Barguzinsky Reserve
Republic of Buryatia, pos. Davsha The oldest in Russia Barguzinsky Reserve is located on the north-eastern coast of Lake Baikal, on the western slopes of the Barguzinsky Range. His task was to preserve and study the sable. 39 species of mammals and 243 species of birds are known in the reserve.
Djerginsky State Nature Reserve
Republic of Buryatia, pos. Maysky The central manor of the reserve is located in the village of Maisky. The unique geographical location of the reserve is located in the eastern part of the Northeastern Baikal region at the junction of three large mountain ranges - the Barguzinsky, the Ikat and the Yuzhno-Muya Ridges.
Zabaikalsky National Park
Republic of Buryatia, pos. Ust-Barguzin The territory of the park covers the Chivyrkuisky Bay, the peninsula of St. Nose, the archipelago of the Ushkanji Islands with the largest seagull hauling in the Baikal. There are 5 hiking trails along the park, among which there is a route to Markovo Mountain.
Shumaksky Reserve
Republic of Buryatia, the valley of the river. Shumak The reserve is located in a remote place where you can get on foot or by horse through the Shumak Pass in the Tunkinsky Alps, and also by helicopter. The path is well cleared and marked. Shumak springs - a sacred place - over 100 thermal carbon dioxide outlets
"Tunkinsky" National Park
Republic of Buryatia, p. Kyren The territory of the park occupies the Tunkinskaya valley and adjacent mountains of the Eastern Sayan and the Khamar-Daban range. The territory of the park is well developed, a large part of the Tunkin Valley is occupied with arable land, hayfields and pastures
Republic of Buryatia, PodlemoryePodlemorye is a part of the northeastern coast of Lake Baikal from Dagara Bay in the north and up to the valley of the Bolshaya Chivyrkui River in the south. It is a vast coastal plain by the lake, which gradually turns into the slopes of the Barguzinsky ridge
Tunkinskaya valley
Republic of Buryatia The Tunkinskaya valley is considered one of the natural pearls of Buryatia. It is an extension of the Baikal basin, stretching almost 200 km. In the valley there are a lot of natural and historical and cultural attractions.