Chelyabinsk Region Among the centuries-old cedars, shrouded in the blue mist of the marshes, among the melodious cacophony of the taiga kingdom, the remains of the ancient settlement silently rise, able to compete with the Egyptian pyramids themselves.
Chelyabinsk region The lake is an amazing reservoir located in the western part of the Argayash district, in Several kilometers from the city of Karabash. Undoubtedly, the most important type of recreation in Argazi is fishing in all its forms, which amateurs are offered here in any weather and season
Satkinsky district, Chelyabinsk region The ancient high mountain lake of the Southern Urals, located in the Chelyabinsk region and known for its unique color of well-brewed tea leaves, is surrounded by excavations of ancient settlements. Zyuratkul man has been chosen for a long time, appreciating the beauty of its location
Ilmen reserve
Chelyabinsk region A unique natural zone of indescribably beautiful open spaces, rocky mountains, blue lake and glades and forests stretched on the eastern slopes of the Southern Urals. Ilmen reserve to them. VI Lenin is in the Chelyabinsk region, to the north-east of Miass. The main pride of these places is a strip of picturesque Ilmen mountains, the famous Spit of the Mountain of Kosoy, surrounded by beads of lakes
Mausoleum of Kesene
Chelyabinsk region, Varna region Mausoleum of Kesene, the brightest example of the early Muslim memorial architecture, which appeared in the 14th century on the cape of the parched Lake Bolshoy Kesene. Around the mausoleum there are a lot of burial places, including 6 mounds of the Bronze Age, one mound of the early Iron Age and about 150 burial mounds of the late Middle Ages.
Magnitogorsk Picture Gallery
Magnitogorsk, ul. them. Newspapers Pravda, d. 12/1 Magnitogorsk Art Gallery is a unique museum: it is the only museum of fine arts in an industrial city. The idea of creating the gallery arose together with the birth of Magnitogorsk, but for a long time it could not be realized in reality.
Magnitogorsk Drama Theater. A. Pushkin
Magnitogorsk, Lenin Ave., 66 As you know, culture, and especially its propaganda role, during the construction of communism was given the most important value. It is no accident that simultaneously with the development of the metallurgical plant in Magnitogorsk, the foundation of the future Melpomene church was laid.
Magnitogorsk Local History Museum
Magnitogorsk, ul. 51a In the course of its almost century history relatively young Magnitogorsk has accumulated a lot of interesting evidence and achievements. All of them are carefully collected and presented in the local museum of local lore. Everyone who is interested in the history of industrial development can come here.
Museum-apartment of Boris Ruchyov
Magnitogorsk, st. Lenina, 69 Boris Ruchiev Museum-Apartment is a part of the Magnitogorsk Local History Museum as its literary department. It is dedicated not only to the life and work of Boris Ruchiev, a Russian and Soviet poet and first-builder of Magnitogorsk, but also to the literary life of the city as a whole, its past and its present.
Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant
Magnitogorsk, 19 Pushkin Ave. In 1973 a museum in Magnitogorsk was opened dedicated to the construction and history of the development of the giant of the national metallurgy - the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. The Museum of the city-forming enterprise was located within the walls of the House of Defense.
Village Paris
Nagaibaksky District, Chelyabinsk RegionTo see Paris and die! Who would have thought that the residents of the Chelyabinsk region like to specify which is Paris, because, literally, in walking distance they have one of the brightest local attractions - their own Paris.
Sugomak Cave
Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region Look at the only cave of the Urals, which appeared in the marble breed, considers it its duty to every tourist. Address of interest: the city of Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region. Search for the southern slope of the Sugomak mountain
Chelyabinsk region Who did not see the local celebrity Taganay during his trip to the Urals, he did not see the Urals. The name of the mountain range in translation from ancient Turkic means: "The support of God", the chumens, in turn, called it "Stone of Light", and the Etruscans - "The Newly Born Light".
Chelyabinsk Region There are many beautiful lakes in the Urals, but the Uvildy is a real gem of this region. The reservoir is famous for its clear, transparent water and unique climate, which, by the way, is equated with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to the climate of the Crimea.
Nagaibaksky district, Chelyabinsk region The village in the Nagaybaksky district of the Chelyabinsk region, located on the humble river Gumbeyke, is surprisingly sonorous, in the western slash and unexpected name: Fershampenoaz. This name was borrowed by merry Cossacks from the French village of Fer-Champenoise, near which they had to fight valiantly.
Haski Center Aquilon
pos. Southern Chelyabinsk area, Chelyabinsk region To escape from the dense ring of city bustle and greyness and touch the pristine Urals nature, it is enough to visit an exciting place that is not far from Chelyabinsk. Haski center "Aquilon" offers to visit two sites.
Temple of the Ascension in Magnitogorsk
Magnitogorsk, ul. Zavenyagina, d. 2 The snow-white seven-dome church of the Ascension of the Lord is located on the picturesque bank of the Ural River. By combining in its external appearance the characteristic features of the ancient Russian architecture and the trends of modern church architecture, it became a real decoration of the city.
Ecological Park in Magnitogorsk
Magnitogorsk, ul. Lesoparkovaya, d. 1 Magnitogorsk eco-park is a charming natural place, broken within the boundaries of the industrial city. This is a real natural oasis, which has become a favorite vacation spot for residents of Magnitogorsk. A lot of opportunities for full-time leisure in winter and summer attract crowds of citizens here.
Sights of the Chelyabinsk region is first of all, beautiful landscapes, to enjoy contemplation of which can be on the expanses of national parks and reserves (however, not only them - after all, spectacular views lie in wait for the tourist here literally on every m step) . One of the most popular places is the Ilmensky Reserve, famous for its Kosoy mountain, surrounded by a chain of surprisingly transparent lakes . It is possible to appreciate the magnificence of mountain landscapes in the Taganay area - it seems that these landscapes were transferred to Earth from the higher worlds, not for nothing the Turks called Taganay "the support of God" . enthusiastic fishermen will surely like the rest on Lake Argazi, the waters of which are teeming with various (and delicious!) representatives of cold-blooded . Well Zyuratkul lake will enchant with an amazing color of water - blue, and a shade of burnt ocher!
For fans of the "smart excursion" in the Chelyabinsk region, too, there are many interesting places. What is worth at least a village with a familiar, but surprising for Russia, the name "Paris" - there even the Eiffel Tower has its own! And it is also possible to trace the stable friendly ties between Rus and "La France" in the village of Fershampenoise - they do not produce champagne there, but there is a very interesting museum of the Ural stone. As for the ancient history of mankind, its monuments are the Arkaim settlement and the mausoleum of Kesene.