Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Tarusa
Tarusa, pl. Lenina Petropavlovsky Cathedral, located some 50 m from the winding channel of the beautiful Oka, was built by the famous architect of his time, Ivan Yasnigin in 1785. Just six years before the church was built on its place was a small cozy temple made of wood, consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas
Dacha of Svyatoslav Richter
Tarusskiy district, village of Alyokhino The history of the dacha of Svyatoslav Richter began in 1950, when on high On the shore of Oka a wooden structure has grown on a stone base, as if looking upwards and therefore resembling a no longer a holiday house, but an old watch tower, from the height of which all the surroundings are perfectly seen.
VA Vatagin's house in Tarusa
Tarusa, ul. . Proletarskaya, 35 Vasily Ivanovich Vatagin visited Tarusa in 1902, imbued with its beauty and decided to settle in this town. In 1914, he built a house here, for the execution of which he preferred the style of the old architecture of the Russian North. On the stone foundation floor there is a wooden building of the house itself.
Paustovsky House Museum in Tarusa
Tarusa, ul. Proletarskaya, 2 Konstantin Georgievich spoke about Tarusa - a cozy provincial town that managed to avoid Soviet industrialization, as if forever staying in the blossoming epoch of imperial Russia. It seems that a horse will pass by its streets or a lady will pass in a fashionable hat.
Tsvetaev House-Museum in Tarusa
Tarusa, ul. Rosa Luxemburg, d. 30 The Tsvetaeva House Museum, located in one of the most beautiful places of the ancient Tarusa, once belonged to the grandfather of the brilliant poetess. It is located near the freely spread Oka, next to which there are clean key springs and a beautiful walking trail is winding.
Source and chapel of the Bogolyubsk icon of the Mother of God
Tarusa, ul. Kalyaeva Tarusa Chapel of the Bogolyubsky Icon of the Mother of God is located in an amazing place where you involuntarily become shy, you begin to think about the meaning of existence and at the same time become filled with humility and peace.
Tarusa Picture Gallery
Tarusa, ul. Lenina, 1A In 1963, several enthusiasts united and decided on a voluntary basis to create an art museum, this moment can be considered the foundation of the Tarusa Picture Gallery. Attempts to organize something like this have been made before, but every time there were insurmountable difficulties on the way.
Tarus Museum of Local History
Tarusa, ul. 4 Quiet, charming, provincial Tarusa not much younger than Moscow - the first mention of the city in the annals dates back to 1246. The prince, who was fortunate enough to discover the succession of inheritances on the throne of Tarusa, was Yuri Mikhailovich, the son of Mikhail Vsevolodovich Chernigov.
Baryatino Manor
Tarusa District, p. Buryatino Baryatino - an amazing manor with an amazing history. Belonging to the once noble princely families of the Golitsyns and Baryatinsky, the apogee of its greatness, it reached the last owner, Prince Dmitri Gorchakov.
Istomino Manor
Tarusa District, p. Istomino Everyone who has ever traveled from Tarusa to Roshcha certainly paid attention to the towering church on the hill. On this same hill stretches a picturesque park, in the greenery of which is buried by the ancient Istomino estate. The history of this estate is multifaceted and very rich in events.
The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Tarusa
Tarusa, ul. Ефремова, д. 7 The Church of the Resurrection of Christ is the oldest building of Tarusa. The temple has managed to survive not one terrible fire that has devoured the historical center of Tarusa time after time. And all thanks to the fact that the Resurrection Church was already built from the stone for those years, and also because of its location.
Sergey Zharov's Private Museum
Tarusa, ul. Шмидта, д. 11аIn the ancient city of Tarusa in the old street of Schmidt there is a collection of antiques - a private museum of Sergey Zharov. This museum is one of those that deservedly can be called unique. Call it a banal exhibition hall will not turn the language - the fairy-tale kingdom of antiquity, and nothing else!
Especially liked Tarusa creative people, from bohemia: there were often famous poets, writers, artists and musicians from the capital. For example, for many, the city's name is inextricably linked with the talented poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. In addition to her, Tarusa was often visited and lived long Polenov, Borisov-Musatov, Vatagin, Paustovsky.
The center of the city is Lenin's Square, where a monument to the leader of the world proletariat stands, and has not led us to a bright future, as well as a small fountain, souvenir shops and souvenir shops bus station. Architectural dominant area is, of course, the most beautiful Peter and Paul Cathedral with a three-tier bell tower. It is adjacent to another local landmark - the Tarusa Picture Gallery (Wed - Sun from 10:00 to 17:00).
Having come for the cathedral, you can get to the pretty square on the high bank of the Oka, where the monument to Marina Tsvetaeva stands. On the benches that stand around the memorial, you can spend a lot of minutes remembering the well-known stanzas of the poetess, but still it's worthwhile to pull yourself together and go further - towards the Resurrection mountain, where the graceful Church of the Resurrection of Christ is.
You will have to finish the walk, whatever one may say, in the Tsvetaeva's house museum. Here you can find personal belongings of the family, furniture, mock-up of the cottage in Pesochny and much more.
Having started a poetic walk through Tarusa, you can not ignore the house of the classic of domestic literature, Paustovsky, in which, by the way, the descendants of the writer still live today. By the way, the city also hosted the famous pianist S. Richter, so that the music and art festivals held in the summer under the auspices of the Richter Foundation are not accidental. Finally, there are other well-known "people of art" in Tarusa: the sculptor Vatagin, the poet Zabolotsky, the artist Krymov