State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics

Kaluga, ul. Academician Koroleva, 2

 Sights of Kaluga The State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K. Tsiolkovsky is rightfully one of the few reasons to take tickets for the train Kaluga-Moscow. After all, the first stone in the foundation of this museum was laid personally by Yuri Gagarin, but that's not all, because other cosmonauts participated in the creation of the museum.

"House of Masters"

Kaluga, per. 9

 Sights of Kaluga At the end of the 19th century a building was built in Kaluga, and already in 1890 the estate was the home of Prince VD Volkonsky. In the beginning of the 20th century, the house was purchased by two merchants - D.I. and G. I. Slesarev. They rebuilt it, created new details, and added beautiful wood carvings

Stone Bridge in Kaluga

Kaluga, ul. Bazhenova, etc.

 Sights of Kaluga This is a tourist attraction of the city - for residents of Kaluga the main one. Why? Because, as the gullible tourists say, this is the only aqueduct of this size in Russia. And everyone believes. But stop and think: the word "aqueduct" has the root "aqua", which means that water must flow through it.

Korobov's Chamber

Kaluga, ul. Plekhanov, 88

 Sights of Kaluga Kaluga since ancient times was famous as a city of merchants. The merchants here had the best houses, and temples were built on their money. One of the Kaluga families of merchants built the Korobovs' house, the date of its construction was the second half of the 17th century. The merchant who built the chambers was a very successful businessman.

Church of Kosma and Damian

Kaluga, ul. . Suvorov, etc. 177/16

 The church in Kaluga is almost impossible to miss: the beautiful baroque towers unusual rounded shape is hardly anyone indifferent. A beautiful building arose in 1794 on the site of an old one, burnt in a fire. In the descriptions of 1626 and 1685 the church was mentioned a little differently.

There is a small town not far from Moscow, whose name is immediately associated with cosmonautics. It is called Kaluga. Famous for this city is not only the fact that it is one of the best options, "go on holiday", and can be reached with the Kiev railway station by express train Moscow - Kaluga, but also by the fact that here there is one of the true wonders of engineering - Stone bridge. Do not miss it in any case, since it was created in the likeness of Roman aqueducts.

Believe me, the best time to visit Kaluga and sightseeing is summer. When autumn or spring is in the yard, Kaluga sharply becomes Venice. Without bridges
Novak Anastasia Anatolievna

The main attraction of Kaluga, of course, is the State Museum of the History of Astronautics. It often hosts various cognitive excursions for children and their parents, and in the Night of Museums there is the entire population of the city. The main feature is the missiles exhibited in the courtyard of the museum

But few people know that in Kaluga you can get acquainted with the work of the masters of the Kaluga region. To do this, look for the famous "House of Masters". It is possible not only to see how the weaving of bast or working on the potter's wheel, but also take an active part in the process at the master class, listen to the ensemble

Another well-known residents, but also not very formal architectural monument in Kaluga. - the Chamber of Korobovs. At the moment they became a branch of the local museum of local lore. To look at the style of Russian baroque far from St. Petersburg offers the church of Kosma and Damian.

In Kaluga you can easily buy souvenirs at all, as the prices here are dramatically different from Moscow in the direction of decrease. Magnets, toys and honey are popular. You can always have a snack in the pizzeria in the city center. And from St. Petersburg moved not only baroque, but also "Teaspoon" - at a price of 100 rubles. you can eat pancakes.