Add a review about Naberezhnaya Street in Tambov

One of the most beautiful streets of Tambov, along which local and, unfortunately, a few tourists stroll unhurriedly - this, of course, is Naberezhnaya Street. Painting along the left bank of the Tsna River, it is considered a "visiting card" of the city. To understand why she got such a loud title is not difficult, it's enough to visit here.

Quay - the street is two-level: the first part lies next to the river, and the second - above a couple of meters. Its length is small, slightly more than 2, 5 km, but for a pleasant evening walk with periodic stops to reinforce the forces of local ice cream or fragrant coffee, this is enough.

It is impossible to say exactly why this street is considered the favorite among Tambov inhabitants. There is nothing "awful" here, but everything is fine in moderation. And cozy views of the suburban zone of the Pritznin Forest with its century-old trees. And nice cafes with stunned Tambov ice cream. And interesting monuments, about which you want to think about, rather than make an on-duty photo for a tick and run on.

In the center of the Embankment - Sochi Park, from where, as in a fairy tale, to the right you will go - to the house of the manufacturer Aseeva, to the fairy palace , drowning in the greenery of a beautiful park. Well, on the left you will go to the ensemble of the Kazan and Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya churches.

Directly on the Embankment there are also its sights, for example, "the bridge of lovers", all studded with locks of happy grooms and brides, as well as curved staircases, shady terraces, sites with gorgeous views of the Tsnu and illusive all this luxurious "promenade ensemble" quaint lanterns

Monuments of Naberezhnoye

Monuments - a special "token" of Naberezhnaya . For example, not so long ago, in 2007 a simple deep under the monument to the Russian muzhik . This three-meter tall sculpture of a tiller who tramples with his heavy plow a machine gun belt and political slogans that have filled with nausea . A commemorative sign of the imminent erection of a monument to the memory of the anti-Bolshevik insurrection led by Antonov . These signs are connected by one history, and are in this place they are not by chance . It turns out that near the Pokrovsky church, near which they stand, there used to be a concentration camp where members of the people's rebellion 1920-1921 yy . In the history of Tambov province they came under the name "Antonovschina" . The reason for these terrible events was simple for that time: at the end of the summer of 1920 peasants from two Tambov villages refused to give with such difficulty the cultivated bread to the food provinces . Very soon the insurrection swept through all the Tambov lands (Antonov created about 20 regiments organized in two armies, totaling about 50 thousand . people) . In the leaflet Antonov wrote: "I spent my whole life fighting the usurpers people's power and will fight them to the end . Not for tog o the power was ripped from the hands of the tsar's executioners to hand it over to a handful of communist tollers . The power must be transferred to the people ... "The disobedient people were simply dealt with - with the help of mass shootings and poisonous gases for one year the case was" closed ".

@ There are also more peaceful monuments on the Quay - for example, a charming flower bee on the lawn or a monument to S.V. Rachmaninov, an outstanding composer, pianist and conductor.
Naberezhnaya Street
 Naberezhnaya Street in Tambov  Naberezhnaya Street in Tambov
Naberezhnaya Street in Tambov