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Probably, there are no people on earth who are not familiar with the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and there is no city in our country where there is no monument to our beloved friend from childhood to a Russian poet. Elista, the capital of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, is not an exception in this respect either. Here Pushkin is known, loved, read ...

Typically, Pushkin is portrayed at a more mature age, and in Elista, he is young, slender and very attractive.

On the small alley of the charming Pushkin Square, near the Rodina cinema, a sculptural ensemble consisting of a decorative metal grille and a proscenium

Center of it became the monument to A.S. Pushkin, established on June 6, 1999 (on the birthday of the great poet), created by the talented Kalmyk artist Naran Elejiev. For this wonderful work of art, the sculptor was awarded the A. Pushkin medal.

As you know, Alexander Sergeevich was keenly interested in the history of Russian peoples, including the Kalmyks, he spoke very warmly and wrote about them in his works . Our contemporaries -kolmki with a special feeling of creativity A . . Pushkin, who sang the peoples of Russia . And now they pay tribute to the great Russian poet, which was done by the young sculptor Elejiev, creating a monument as a sign of heartfelt gratitude to the Russian poet . @ Наран Эле dzhiev in his work caught and remarkably emphasized the smallest features, and most importantly - the liveliness of the poet's character .Elegant low figure of Alexander Sergeevich from white metal as if in motion .

The monument is placed on a pedestal - a black cube at the very end of the square. On the metal decorative grid, the lines of poems of national poets are immortalized: David Kugultinov (in the Kalmyk language) and Sanji Kalyayev (in Russian). The lattice is also decorated with bas-reliefs with different symbolic scenes from the poems of Alexander Pushkin

The overall composition of the ensemble is completed by beautiful lamps, stylized under street lights of Pushkin's times. In the middle of the square flower garden a small pool is built, and in it a sparkling fountain flows from the open petals of the lotus flower.

The first sculptor who created in 1983 a bust of the poet standing on a classical round column was Nikita Sandzhiev. But even after the opening of the new monument, the bust of Sandzhiev's work was not forgotten: he was transferred to the street Ilishkin, to house number 3, where he pleases the admirers of Alexander Sergeevich's talent to this day.

There are always a lot of people in Pushkin Square, including local youth, who also loves and knows the poetry of Alexander Sergeevich from a small age .This noteworthy, charming monument, where Pushkin is still young, is visited with pleasure not only by the Elistinians, but also by the guests of the capital of Kalmykia . Usually Pushkin is depicted at a more mature age, and in Elista, he is slim, young, and very attractive . It's so nice to go for a walk on the alley of the square in the summer, to visit the poet, to sit by the cool fountain, remembering something of the heritage that the great creator, the master of the pen, left us, his descendants, .

How to get to

Address: Elista, Pushkin Square. You can reach any minibus going to new microdistricts.