Add a review about the monument "Khoperskaya Tent" in Stavropol

By the decree of the tsarina of Russian Catherine II in 1777 on the Azov-Mozdok defensive line the city of Stavropol was laid. Initially, it was fortress number 8, intended to protect the borders of Russia in the south of the country - the "gates of the Caucasus", very soon turned into a serious North Caucasian city. The fortress was built from 1776 to 1780. soldiers of the Vladimir Dragoon Regiment and the Khoper Cossacks.

Near the remnants of the Stavropol Fortress on the bicentenary of the founding of Stavropol (1976) in the south-eastern part of the Serfdom mountain, near the Cathedral Street, a military historical monument "Khoperskaya Tent" was erected.

Found at the bookmark, it is unclear how the stone cross that came here served to the fact that the city of Stavropol was named (from the Greek - "city of the cross"). The original foundation for the construction of this military fortress was the bottom of the ancient Sarmatian Sea, as evidenced by the preserved area of ​​the inner fortress wall. The outer wall and the earthen rampart have long since disappeared

Stavropol - "city of the cross"

Not far from the remnants of the Stavropol fortress on the bicentenary of the founding of Stavropol (1976 .) in the southeastern part of the Serfdom, nearby from Sobornaya Street, they established a military historical monument "Khoper Tent" . The second name is "The Symbolical Key of the City" . According to the idea of ​​the architect M . Epstein and the artist Yu . Voinov, the authors of the monument, he looks as a stylized marching tent or 3 open books, standing on the ground and a memorial plaque bearing the inscriptions: "The Stavropol Fortress Plan . 1811" and "Stanitsa Stavropol . 1877" . Inside the reinforced concrete monument on the regimental pedestal-drum is a symbolic key from the city of Stavropol .

How to get to the monument "Khoperskaya Tenta"

This small building is located at the very end of one of the main streets of the city - Karl Marx Avenue. The monument can be reached by bus or own car

Monument "Khoper Tent" is an object of cultural heritage of regional importance included in the united protected area "Old Town"

For Stavropolians this monument is one of the most recognized and respected sights Stavropol. Therefore, when visiting the city, all guests consider it their duty to visit this remarkable place.