On the banks of the Voronezh, Don, Svishenka and Matyr reservoir in the Lipetsk region every year there are more and more recreation centers and guest houses where you can spend leisure in summer and winter. Now the number of objects is about 15, among them - well-known tourist centers with history and newly built, small private out-of-town clubs.


The leader in recreation centers in the Lipetsk region is the Zadonsky district with its picturesque tracts, ravines, forest arrays and, of course, the Don spaces . It is in this part of the region that the most popular and spacious tourist camps of the region are located - "Blue Fire" and "Chaika" . They are located in the Skyt tract, surrounded by forests and their territory adjacent to the Don bank . "Go Luboi Ogonek "is located not far from the Holy Transfiguration Monastery of St. Transfiguration and its holy source and can simultaneously host up to 280 tourists year-round . Approximately the same landmarks can be given for the" Chaika ".

Depending on the type of accommodation and the chosen service, rest in the "Blue Light" will cost 1600-2600 rubles per day. The spread of prices in the "Seagull" is much stronger: from 1000 to 5200 per day

Another one of the tourist center of this area - "Quiet Don" - is located 14 km from Zadonsk in the forest. This is a place for a comfortable holiday in nature: there is no special variety of services and accommodation options, but you can get in a sauna, go fishing and fry a shish kebab here. The antipode of this object is the country club "Donskoy Les", which offers tourists accommodation and luxury services. It is located all in the same Zadonsky district, not far from the village of Kashary, and the minimum rates for rest here are 2300-2900 rubles.

In the Zadonsky district there is also a large sports and entertainment complex "Forest Park", where, along with the possibility of active rest on weekends, you can have the opportunity and stay longer. The cost of living is 2200-2600 rubles for a comfortable double room.

Recreation bases at the Matyr reservoir

On the right bank of the Matyr reservoir there are several recreation centers, sanatoriums and small guest houses. The largest of them - "Brigantine" and "Russian Manor", hidden in a pine forest and having access to the shore of the reservoir. Both facilities offer various options for recreation and services and comfortable accommodation, which in Brigantine will cost 1400-2550 rubles for a two-room double room depending on the season, in the Russkoye Manor - 1800-4500 rubles per house per day.

Recreation center "Chaika"