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In the Moscow region, near the city of Chekhov, on the banks of the Lopasni River is located one of the most beautiful and ancient monasteries of Russia - the Ascension David's Deserts. The monastery was founded in 1515 by David Serpukhovsky. During its existence, the deserts of David survived a lot - times of prosperity, decline and even complete oblivion. Today David's desert meets visitors in all its glory: the monastery has been completely restored.

The founder of David's desert, David Serpuhovskoy, planted a linden alley in the 16th century. In order to demonstrate the power of God, he planted trees upside down and they were all accepted.

David Serpukhovskaya came from a famous princely family Vyazemsky . Even as a very young guy, he decided to give his life to God's service . Already in old age with four assistants David built two churches, a cell and a refectory . The oldest structure is the stone Ascension Cathedral (16th century) . Of course, he was later subjected to perestroika, but the very first masonry still survived . Interesting , which is close to David planted a linden alley . In order to demonstrate the power of God, he planted trees upside down and they were all accepted . After his death, the founder of David's Desert began to come to many people in dreams, help them and heal .

David's deserts

In the Time of Troubles in 1619, the Davidovs' deserts were sacked by Lithuanians and Zaporozhtsy . The temple was restored only a few years later . At the end of the 17th century, things were fine - it was the heyday of the monastery . In the 18th century as a result of the reforms of Peter I Davidov, the desert gradually comes to the decline to . Already in the 20th century - in 1929 - it was closed down definitively, some monks were put under repression . The red flag was hoisted to the bell tower, now there were a dining room, a club, a gym and warehouses in the church buildings . In the 50's The monastery cemetery was destroyed in the 20th century, the graves were unearthed and the tombstones were used for the foundation of the dormitory of the technical school .

Only 63 years later the desert began to revive in David - the cathedral for the All-Merciful Savior was transferred to the Orthodox community in the village of Novy Byt. True, the recovery was not very smooth. On the territory of the monastery in the 90 years was located agricultural technical school and rural administration. Father David Herman, the rector of David's Desert, faced many problems, but he did not abandon the idea of ​​restoring the monastery. In 1995, unknown people killed Herman for the sake of profit - they robbed the monastery safe.

All the churches of David's Desert were painted in bright, cheerful colors. Znamenskaya church - orange, St. Nicholas Church - yellow, Ascension Cathedral - white, Assumption Church - pink, Temple for All Saints - yellow.

There are still disputes about how the monastery was restored . , that in the 90 years of the David's desert, people with dubious reputation donated money, for example Anton Malevsky and Gennady Nedoseka . Now in the local cemetery one can see their elegant graves . Malevsky was once the "aluminum king" of Russia and the leader of Izmailovo criminal grouping, Nedoseka - former head of the administration of the Chekhov district with not the best reputation . However, in many respects thanks to the help of these people managed to save David's deserts . As they say, do not judge, so you will not be convicted .

In the monastery are stored particles of relics many saints. In addition, there is a particle of the nail of the crucifixion of Christ

Practical information

Address: Moscow region, Chekhov district, Novy Byt settlement. You can get to David's Desert by car and by public transport. From Kursk railway station, you need to get to Chekhov station, then take bus number 36 to Novy Byt settlement. Also on the intercity bus No. 428 Moscow-Nerastannoe you can get directly to the village from the metro station "Yuzhnaya". On the car - along the Simferopol highway (M2) before crossing with A108, the left turn to Kashira, then the left turn according to the sign.

The visitors of the monastery should be appropriately dressed: men in shorts can not be allowed into the church, women should have handkerchiefs on the head.

Address: pos. New Byt, Chekhov district, Moscow region

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 Davidova deserts in the spring, Moscow region  Davidova Deserts
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