Add a review about balneogryazelechebnitsu them. Semashko

Medical institutions of Essentuki successfully help patients with a variety of diseases, and the leading role among them is played by the Balneogryazelocephalic Clinic named after. Semashko. In addition to purely medical advantages, it is highly valued for architectural features, and also attracts tourists with its history. While creating the project, the author was inspired by the famous Roman baths, this is clearly evident in the pompous appearance and interiors of the building.

The entrance to the mud bath is adorned by two formidable lions, paws of poisonous snakes. These sculptures symbolize the victory of man over disease. The entrance itself is made in the form of a classical portal with columns. On the walls of the building there are bas-reliefs showing subjects on medical subjects, and sculptures of atlants adorn the piers between the windows, which hold heavy slabs on their shoulders.

In addition to purely medical advantages, the Balneo- Semashko is highly valued for architectural features, and also attracts tourists with its history.

Atrium, the main hall of the mud baths, is a spacious bright room with large windows, decorated with bas-relief and sculptures - copies of famous works of art of antiquity. After the procedures, patients are accommodated in cozy atrium rooms to relax and drink a curative herbal tea. Under the main floor there are two additional ones, in the underground storehouses there is a mud storage facility


The idea of ​​creating its own mud baths in Essentuki originated in 1911, the same year a competition was announced for the creation of the project, the victory was won by St. Petersburg architect Eugene Shreter. Construction began in 1913, and two years later the clinic opened its doors for the first patients. Initially, the health center was named after the Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich - Alekseevskaya.

The Civil War events were reflected in the most sad way: the building was partially destroyed, because of which the institution was closed for three years. But during the Great Patriotic War, mud baths, surprisingly, did not suffer. Her premises were used for nursing and restoring injured fighters, and later the baths were located here

The mud baths were given their current name in 1923, when, on the initiative of NA Semashko, then the People's Commissar of Health, a decision was made to reconstruct the health resort.

Returning after the war to work for its intended purpose, the clinic no longer interrupted its activities and functions to this day. The mud bath is equipped with modern equipment and is not inferior in quality to the world-known clinics.

The range of services that are offered to patients is very diverse. These mud applications, electric mud procedures, various baths and showers, hand massage, as well as all kinds of dermatological and cosmetology procedures. Every year more than 90 thousand people come here for treatment; Every day more than 2500 procedures are conducted here.

Mud. NA Semashko

Tourist information

Address: Essentuki, ul. Semashko, 10. Phone: +7 (879) 346-66-89.

The cost of the excursion for adults is 100 RUB, children's ticket costs RUB 50.

The mud house is located near the railway station Yessentuki, near the northeast the entrance to the spa park. From the station to it you can get by shuttle buses No. 6, 9 and 21 to the stop "Gryazelechebnitsa."

Prices are indicated for October 2014