Add a review about Iron Mountain in Zheleznovodsk

One of the most outstanding sights of Zheleznovodsk, which beautifies the city's landscape, is the Iron Mountain. By its nature it is a real volcano, only "not revealing its potential", that is, laccolith. Its height exceeds 850 m, and the characteristic outline of the mountain becomes a beautiful backdrop for many urban landscapes. At the top of the mountain there is a flat platform, which is quite possible to climb - mostly for the sake of the process itself, since the survey is not important from here.

The main value of the mountain located north of the city is not so much its viewing dignity as the abundance of mineral springs on its slopes. In total, there are more than 20 of them on Iron, although only 16 of them are actively used. Iron oxides, settling from the water sources, make the surface of the stone look rusty, where the name of the mountain came from. Unlike other sources of Kavminvod, the local ones are very complex in terms of the number of different ions contained in the water. Sources of Iron Mountain gave the name to a number of mineral water marks.

Iron Mountain sources differ in temperature. Among them there are several cold, warm, where the temperature reaches +25 ° C, and also hot - up to +61 ° C (including the famous Smirnovsky and Slavyanovsky).

Zheleznovodsk Spas are a wonderful place for rest and walking , quite well-maintained, but at the same time preserving the natural beauty of the landscape.

On one of the slopes of Zheleznoye lies the beautiful Zheleznovodskiy Kurortny Park (sometimes it is also called the "Medicinal Park", before it was called "Kazedny Sad"). This is a wonderful place for rest and walking, quite comfortable, but at the same time preserving the natural beauty of the landscape. The park, built in 1825, is not separated from the surrounding forest in any way: just a wide clearing and alleys have been cut here, from which the paths to the springs were taken. The Italian architects Bernardazzi led the creation of the park

In 1961 the Iron Mountain was declared a geological monument of the nature of the region

Once the Spa Park, divided into the upper and lower parts, was the center of the cultural life of the city . Here you could get drunk water from almost all sources of Zheleznovodsk, take a walk in a pleasant company along the shore of an artificial reservoir, rest in an elegant pavilion, quit dinner or listen to a concert . Actually, all this is available to guests of the city today - except that except casino . T Entyped paths with amusing pointers "grandfathers" and pavilions, beautiful stone staircases, including the famous Cascade, and sculptures, fountains with light and music, flower beds and gazebos, as well as the palace of the Emir of Bukhara, Smirnovsky Pump and Pushkin Gallery - all located in Kurortny park .

Sources of Mount Zheleznaya

The mountain itself is very beautiful. It is covered with deciduous trees, including lindens and maples, ash and hornbeam. Under them you can find a wide variety of useful plants like valerian or celandine. Wade through the forest is difficult, there are no paths, but there is a good path around the mountain - it rises to the very top. Those who want to admire the landscape from above, you need to find a cluster of rocks near the top: from here you will see other mountains, such as Beshtau, and Tambukanskoe Lake.