Add a review about the Museum of Brandhurst in Munich

The Museum Brandhorst is very young - it appeared in Munich only in 2009, but has already become one of the most visited and popular museums of the city. There is nothing strange about this - the collection is curious, with several world-wide collections. It is a museum of contemporary art, it specializes in works of the 20th and 21st centuries of creation.

Actually this collection is personal. It was collected by Anette Brandhurst, the heiress of the Henkel concern (the one that produces Schwarzkopf cosmetics, Fa and much more). After the death of Anette, her husband presented the meetings of Bavaria. The museum was opened in a special building built by the famous architect, it is now managed by a special fund, so it has great opportunities. Anette collected paintings, books and book illustrations - and now all of this can be seen.

The most famous element here is a collection of 100 paintings by Andy Warhol (one of the largest outside the US)


The basis of the collection - paintings . The collection is very fundamental, there are works of almost all recognized masters over the past 50 years, including the canvases of Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter, Damien Hirst (one of the leaders of Young British Artists - the most innovative in Europe over the last 20 years) and the masses of others known in Western Europe, but few people familiar to artists in Russia. Of the known - there are pictures of Kazimir Malevich and Miro.

The most famous elements are 2 large collections: a collection of 100 paintings by Andy Warhol (one of the largest outside the US) and a collection of 60 works by Cy Twombly (another modern classic )

The second part of the collection is a collection of book illustrations, and, in fact, it is for her sake that most of the tourists from Russia come here. The reason is simple: among other things, there are 112 books illustrated by Pablo Picasso here.

Be sure to go here if you like to read and want to see familiar literary characters on the new side. It's not ironic - the book illustrations of Picasso or Salvador Dali really change the perception and sensation from books that are familiar from childhood and quite strongly. And it's actually interesting - it seems to be something familiar, but at the same time radically different. You will not regret it.

Also there are bright temporary exhibitions, often - imported exhibitions of works of famous artists, the same Salvador Dali, for example.

It is worth considering that contemporary art is a thing, that is called, an amateur and uniquely suited only to connoisseurs of the genre. Some expositions can be rather provocative, some exhibits can be on an inappropriate theme for children. In general, to visit with a child or middle-aged parents, it is better to choose some other museum. But a lover of modern design will almost certainly like it.

Collection overview

Practical information

Official address: Munchen, Theresienstrasse, 35a, Museum Brandhorst. 4 metro stations: Universitat, Odeonsplatz, Konigsplatz or Theresienstrasse are suitable for a trip here.

Working hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday to 20:00, closed on Monday.

Ticket price: 7 EUR (for winter 2014), the museum is included in almost all tourist ticket programs.