Architecture in Helsinki

The popular Briton magazine Reader's Digest decided to test the honesty of residents of 16 major cities around the world. For this purpose, representatives of the publication "accidentally" lost on the street a wallet containing fifty dollars in local currency, a family photo and a business card of the owner. Then the case remained for small - to calculate how many finds will return to their rightful owners.

According to the results of the experiment, Helsinki was the most honest city: residents of the Finnish capital returned 11 of 12 wallets to the owners. The second place went to Bombay, in which 9 out of 12 local residents successfully passed the test of honesty. The bronze medal was shared between Budapest and New York with 8 returned wallets in each. Totally the top ten cities in honesty are as follows:

  1. Helsinki (11 out of 12 wallets)
  2. Bombay (9 of 12)
  3. Budapest (8 of 12)
  4. New York (8 of 12)
  5. Moscow (7 of 12)
  6. Amsterdam (7 of 12)
  7. Berlin (6 of 12)
  8. Ljubljana (6 of 12)
  9. London (5 of 12)
  10. Warsaw (4 of 12)

Lisbon was the most hopeless city in terms of honesty: only 1 wallet returned to its owner

September 30, 2013
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