Surrounded on all sides by mountains, Luhacovice is built up with a unique complex of buildings, which from the end of the 19th century gradually formed a resort town, now deservedly included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Today, Luhacovice is considered to be one of the most beautiful resorts in the Czech Republic. The pearl of the architectural ensemble of the resort became acting exclusive SPA-hotel "Yurkovichuv house."

Luhacovice is famous for its mineral waters, whose temperature is + 10 ... 12 ° C, which belongs to the hydrogen-chloride-soda-acid, as 99% of anions in them are hydrocarbonates and chlorides. An integral part of the treatment here is climate therapy

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How to get there

Located in South Moravia, it is located at about 350 km to the south-east from Prague. Flight to Prague, then 1, 5-2 hours by taxi (about 150 EUR)

Treatment in Luhacovice

Local waters are considered to be one of the most effective in Europe due to the high content of minerals and excellent carbonation of carbon dioxide.

treatments: inhalation of mineral water, mineral, "pearl", iodide-bromine and whirlpool baths, shower, classic massage, underwater hand massage, underwater jet massage, paraffin (local heat therapy), oxygen therapy, aromatherapy, drinking cure,

Here they treat:

  • Damage about Horno-motor apparatus (painful disease tendons, muscles, articular rheumatism, painful spine syndromes)
  • Diseases of the respiratory apparatus (asthma, allergic respiratory disease, chronic bronchitis, damage to the vocal function and hoarseness, postoperative airway)
  • Diseases of the digestive tract (digestive disorders and lack of appetite, inactive stages of stomach and duodenum ulcers, postoperative stages of the stomach, esophagus and biliary on the bubble)
  • circulatory system diseases (functional disorders of peripheral vessels, lungs forms of hypertension)
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders (diabetes and obesity)

Book popular hotels Luhačovice at the best prices

Hotel Vyhlídka from 3171 RUB. Luhačovice Pozlovice 206 Hotel Vila Viola from 4342 RUB. Luhačovice Bílá Čtvrť 431 Alexandria Spa & Wellness Hotel from 6548 RUB . Luhačovice Masarykova 567
Penzion Monika from 2206 RUB. Luhačovice Masarykova 171 Villa Marion from 3860 RUB. Luhačovice Solné 515 Penzion Oaza from 2 757 rubles Luhačovice Masarykova 976

Entertainment, excursions and landmarks Luhacovice cultural life

Cultural life Luhacovice is very rich and full of events throughout the year . Perhaps the most outstanding event is the celebration of the opening of the springs, which is traditionally held on the second Sunday in May, thus opening a new holiday season . Also frequent are concerts at the colonnade, entertaining programs, performances of theater companies . From the entertainment are popular: sauna, solarium, fitness club, tennis courts, sports complex, mini golf, bowling alley, fishing at the dam, tarya . Cinema, sanatorium theater (open from March to October), dance bars with live music, disco, air-tour over the city .In addition, near Luhacovice is a nice reservoir, which is considered the best place in the whole district for water sports . And only 30 km from the resort there is a quality golf course .

Among the main attractions of Luhacovice and its surroundings are called : Uhorsky Brod, the town of Leshna, in which there is a zoo with more than 240 species of animals. The town of Kroměříž, listed on UNESCO's list with an ancient castle and a beautiful greenhouse, the village of Velehrad with the basilica of saints Cyril and Methodius (pilgrimage center in Moravia), the town of Bukhlov with a castle of the 13th century and one of the most famous arboretums in the Czech Republic. And now a little more about each.

The ancient city of Ugorskiy Brod is famous for its preserved fort, two baroque temples and a 16th century castle. Leshna, in addition to the zoo, attracts tourists with its fabulous but small palace of the 19th century, the interior of which includes a unique woodcarving. Here you can see a rich collection of Oriental porcelain and a natural history museum.

The history of Veledrad dates back more than 12 centuries. The first mention of this village dates back to the time when the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius came to Moravia. Not surprisingly, today Velehrad is considered one of the most famous pilgrimage places in the country. In April 1990, before the city's basilica, in the presence of half a million pilgrims, a service was held by Pope John Paul II.

Treatment in Luhacovice (English)

Kromeriz, a city listed in UNSCO in 1999, is the Ganatsky Athens . @ This city is named because of the unique architectural ensemble of the city, its monuments and beautiful parks . The main place among them is the archbishop's palace with a marvelous gallery that houses paintings of old European masters . Adjoins the building The Lower Palace Garden in English style with romantic buildings . Monumental colonnade - the dominant of the Flower Park . Interesting visit to the wine cellars of the Archbishop's Palace .

The town and fortress of Bukhlov with Baroque castle Buchlovice - another important attraction in the vicinity of Luhacovice . Interior of the palace decorated in the style of Louis XV and XVI, outside - an English park with a lot of exotic trees and shrubs . From June to September in Buhlovitsa you can enjoy the spectacle of an exhibition of fuchsia . Over the city, on one of the peaks of the Chrzyb mountain chain , there is an ancient fortress of Bukhlov of the 13th century - the rarest monument of the Czech early Gothic . In addition, it is the main example of medieval defensive equipment that has never been taken by storm .

It is worth to visit the town of Vizovice, located near Luhacovice, which attracts the attention of tourists by the Baroque palace of the 18th century. In the halls of the palace - an exhibition of art furniture, porcelain, weapons, paintings by Dutch masters. More than 100 years in this city the company JSC "Rudolf Jelinek" produces famous fruit distillates - strong spirits. Accordingly, they can not only see, learn the process of creation here, but also conduct a fun tasting.

Roznov pod Radhost is famous for its Open-Air Museum of Architecture, where the original wooden buildings of the 18th century are kept. Here you can see the Wooden Town, the Mlin Valley and the Valašský Village, as well as take part in bright folk events and festivals, traditional fairs. Photo by Luhacovice (9)