What links the star of Jaromir Jagr's hockey, coal mines, equestrian railways and one of the oldest in the Czech theaters? The answer is simple: all this unites Kladno, the largest city in the Central Bohemian Region, located just 25 kilometers to the north-west of Prague

How to get there

Getting there from Prague to Kladno is very simple - two cities are connected by a direct motorway under number E48, the length of the route is only 30 kilometers and will take no more than 40 minutes. From Prague to Kladno, there are direct trains and buses.

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The paragraph of history

Kladno, for many people first of all associated with the heavy and coal industry, has also a long history. The first mention of the city dates back to the 14th century, and since 1561 there have been regular trade fairs here. But despite this, the future coal mining and industrial center of the Czech Republic remained a very small town, with a population not exceeding 500 inhabitants. The main occupation of local residents was logging (it was good here at that time), and its subsequent processing for obtaining charcoal.

Charcoal was sent to Prague, so here in 1830 for the rapid delivery of fuel between the cities was a horse-railway was opened, which at that time was considered a real triumph of progress.

The next epoch of the heyday of the city is also associated with coal, but already with stone. With the passage of time, the technologies were improved, and already in the middle of the 19th century, deposits of very demanded coal were found in Kladno. And the coal found in local deposits, was considered very high quality. Soon, the first mine is being built near the city, and then the first blast furnace.

The deposits located here predetermined the fate of the city for the next century - Kladno became the center of heavy industry in the Czech Republic, which was before the fall of socialism in Europe.
Among the attractions Kladno can not fail to list the pride of the city - Central Bohemian Theater with almost a century of history.

Due to the industrial nature of the area, a rather extensive layer with specific political views was formed among the Kladno population, which made it possible to consider Kladno one of the birthplaces of communism in the Czech Republic . The main enterprise under the socialist regime here was the metallurgical plant SONP - Central Bohemian Steel Mill ". At the beginning of 90 the heavy industry of Kladno was not in the best condition - many industrial enterprises were closed, and unemployment was steadily growing . Polge they have changed foreign investments, and now Kladno is hosting the production of many large and world-famous companies, such as: Dr . Oetker, Lego, Showa Aluminum, Sagem and many others .

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Kladno

In Kladno you should definitely visit the palace of the 18th century, built in the Baroque style, and the museum of local lore in it, which has a good collection. In the vicinity you can see the ruins of the ancient city of Budeč and the rotunda of Sts. Peter and Paul, dating from the 9th century

This rotunda, by the way, is considered the oldest stone building in the country.

For those who are interested in rural architecture, it's worth to look into the ethnographic museum in Třebiz. Among the attractions Kladno can not fail to list the pride of the city - Central Bohemian Theater with almost a century of history. It is worth paying attention to the Town Hall and the plague pillar. Also, there is a large modern water park for fans of water recreation.

Hockey fans probably know that Kladno is famous for its sports traditions, and its main pride is the multiple champion of Czechoslovakia - the Poldi (SONP) team, which at different times played such masters, as Frantisek Pospisil and Jaromir Jagr. Jagr, by the way, was born here in the village of Shmerov-Gnidusy, now one of the city districts of Kladno.