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Perhaps, many people with the phrase "Czech paradise" in their minds will have an image of a cozy pub somewhere in Hradcany, where they serve the tenderest veprevo knee and, of course, the freshest amber beer in sweated mugs. But "not by bread alone ...", and therefore, apart from these immutable Czech pleasures, it is worth to visit the most beautiful nature reserve "Czech Paradise". The edge where the rocks of amazing form and beauty rise above the forests, and on the tops of these rocks there are ancient strongholds, covered with legends.

The national park The Czech paradise is relatively near Prague, about 100 kilometers to the northeast. The word "paradise" can not be better suited to describe the local places and beauties. But also the history of the origin of this magnificence is also interesting.

It is hard to imagine that in prehistoric times there was nothing but a seabed. Time passed, and the currents, later the winds and the sun, turned out the cliffs of freakish outlines here

What to see

You can walk endlessly along rocky labyrinths, canyons and stone "cities", climbing up and climbing down the cut directly in stone or made of wood stairs. A traveler who has forgotten about laziness and climbs to one of the viewing platforms of natural origin is waiting for a reward - an inimitable view of the magnificent pine forests, rocks and towers scattered throughout the national park castles.

One of the favorite among connoisseurs of natural beauties is the place "Drabskie room "- a whole conglomeration of rocks, canyons, caves, closely crouching to each other, and in a form something resembling fingers.

For fans of bicycle walks there are many hiking trails . Tired of hiding in the hot summer day, you can take a refreshing swim in the cleanest Makhovoye Lake and relax on its sandy beach . And of course, as always in the Czech Republic, there are ancient castles and ruins of fortresses in the vicinity . The most famous of them - Trosky, a symbol of the Czech Paradise . Fortress is mentioned for the first time in 1396, but the scientists have reason to believe that the fortification is based here much earlier . In times of the Hussite wars the fortress was repeatedly deposited . In 1428 after the fire only one tower survived - Maiden .

In translation from the Czech "Trosky" means ruins. This name was given after the Thirty Years War, when already at the end of the war in 1648 the Swedes destroyed the fortress. Today, the castle is undergoing restoration work.

Despite the dilapidated condition, the silhouettes of the two towers, towering on a formidable rock, can not but beckon travelers. In addition to Trosky in the area are the castles Gruby Rogozhets, Gruba Skala, Kamenice and the ruins of various obscure buildings. On the way to the national park you can visit the town of Turnov, the unofficial capital of the Czech Paradise. There is a small but well-preserved Old Town in the city.

The Czech Paradise is good at any time of the year - there are many opportunities in winter and summer for quiet contemplative pastime as well as for various extreme entertainments.
Czech Paradise

How to get there:

You can get to the Czech Paradise from Prague by bus from the metro station "Black Bridge" to Turnov, or by train from the main railway station to Turnov, it takes about 2 hours (about 100 kilometers). By car from Prague by direct road number E65 (en route less than an hour and a half)

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Czech paradise, panorama
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Magic View, Czech Paradise
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Stone Town, Czech Paradise