Activities of Kirula 2011
 63 years of Independent Sri Lanka
February 4, 2011 . Sri -Lanka celebrates 63 anniversary of country's independence . Sri Lanka's Ambassador Udayanga Viratunga said that on February 4, 1948, .the country gained independence from Great Britain . "Sri Lanka's most famous leaders contributed to the struggle for independence . Not only the Sinhalese, but also the Tamils, and the Muslims sacrificed much to liberate the island from the 443-year rule of the Portuguese, the Dutch and the English ", - noted E .P . Mr. Viratunga said that today the country, the world's only victorious terrorism, lives in peace and harmony under the motto "Sri Lanka is one people, one nation! "According to Mr. Ambassador, Sri Lanka is one of the most actively developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region .

Celebrations are held all over the country . By this date, the exhibition" The Activity of Kirula "demonstrating achievements Sri Lanka . This year the exhibition will be held from 4 to 11 February in Buttala, Moneragal area . Last year, the economy grew by 8% . However, 50% of this is felt in the Western Province of the island . The share of the remote regions accounts for only about 5% . The choice of Moneragal by the place of holding The goal of the annual exhibition "Dejta Kirula" is determined by the desire to smooth the disparity in the distribution of the results of the country's rapid development . The exhibition aims to give people knowledge about their country, its successes and achievements .

Within the framework of the preparation of the region for the forthcoming event, a series of activities . 20 mlrd .rupees allocated for various projects in health, education and social sphere . Large number of hospitals will be reconstructed and updated . 4 mlrd . rupees allocated for road reconstruction, 1 mlrd . rupees for electrification of rural areas, 500 million rupees for the development of the water supply system, 1 mlrd . On the development of the telecommunications and technology system . Other funds will be spent on the development of the region's infrastructure . Great attention is paid to creating better opportunities in the agricultural sector and raising the level of . people in situ addition of a special water supply for households planned to subject irrigation drylands to enable 500 farmers use about 650 acres of land under rice crops .

The exhibition will be attended by all Ministries and Sri Lankan authorities . The Armed Forces of the country will also equip a special stand for demonstration of military equipment . A large number of visitors are expected in Media section . In the framework of the exhibition there will be held sports competitions in netball (basketball for women), kabadi, volleyball and cycling, for which 4 million rupees are allocated .A total area of ​​160 acres is planned to accommodate about 400 different stands . 6,000 schoolchildren will participate in the parade on the opening day . 5000 policemen will guard the peace and ensure the safety of visitors . Entrance to the exhibition for students will be free . Adult ticket costs 20 rupees and entitles to participate in the lottery .

February 4, 2011
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