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Boulevard Rambla

La Rambla, Barcelona

 Attractions of Catalonia The most famous street in Spain , Ramblas Blvd. stretches from Plaza Catalunya to the Old Port. There is always a lively atmosphere of fun, festivities and delightful secrets. The center of the boulevard is pedestrian

Gothic Quarter

Barri Gotic, Barcelona

 Attractions of Catalonia Once the very center of Barcelona and the center of all its medieval attractions, the Gothic Quarter lies between Rambla and Lajetana Street. Despite the fact that many buildings here date from the 14th and 15th centuries, there are also cozy restaurants and expensive shops in the Gothic quarter.

Casa Batllo

Barcelona, ​​Passeig de Gracia, 43

 Attractions of Catalonia One of the most famous mansions, on the architectural plan of which flaunts the signature of the great Gaudi, the Casa Batllo is located on the avenue Passage de Gràcia, in the heart of the Eixample district. When you look at the house of Batllo from the street, it seems that the building lives, breathes and closely follows the movements of its guests.

Mila's house

Carrer de Provenca, 261-265

 Sights of Catalonia Dwelling house and a monument of architecture ... Rarely these concepts are linked together, but there are exceptions. The case of the Casa Mila, or in the Spanish manner of Casa Mila, is just such an exception. Not for nothing that this landmark of Barcelona in 1984 was the first building of the 20th century, included in the UNESCO List.

Dali House Museum

Port Lligat, Cadaques

 Sights of Catalonia In fact it is not one house, but a whole fabulous labyrinth in the style of Dali. And he appeared like this: back in the 1930s, Dali and Gala bought their first fishing house here. For the next 40 years, they continued to buy up neighboring properties, gradually merging them into a single surreal whole

Barcelona Cathedral

Placa de la Seu, Barcelona

 Attractions of Catalonia Walking around the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona , find the street Carrer del Bisbe, starting from Saint Jaume square. It is pedestrian, so that from contemplation of the cathedral slowly opening before you, nothing will distract.

Cathedral of Girona

Passeig Reina Joana, Girona

 Attractions of Catalonia The local cathedral is considered a visiting card not only of Girona, but, perhaps, of the whole coast of Costa Brava. During its existence (and the temple was built around 1312) the cathedral was rebuilt several times.

Salvador Dalí Museum

Gala-Salvador Dalí Square, 5

 Attractions of Catalonia Relaxing in sunny beaches of Costa Brava, few people think about visiting so-called cultural institutions. But in vain, because there is a unique object, not to visit which will, frankly, be unforgivable. It is the museum of Salvador Dali, located in the homeland of the famous painter in Figueres

Park Güell

Carrer d'Olot, 5 - Barcelona

 Attractions of Catalonia In 1900 Eusebi Güell bought out outskirts of Barcelona 62 hectares of land to create a garden city, which was very popular in the late 19th century. The creation of the infrastructure had to deal with Gaudi.

Sagrada Familia

Carrer de Mallorca, 401

 Attractions of Catalonia The Sagrada Familia is a truly unique architectural phenomenon, it is a bridge that connected generations and epochs and presented an exceptional opportunity not only to touch to history, but also to join in its creation. For two centuries the building is being built, growing, changing.

Theater-Museum of Dalí

Gala-Salvador Dalí Square, 5

 Attractions of Catalonia Magnet attracts the curious main attraction of Figueres - Dali Museum , has long been a symbol of the city. In his brainchild - the museum theater - Salvador has invested all its boundlessly soaring beyond the reasonable soul, as well as considerable money.

Barcelona Aquarium

 Attractions of Catalonia The Aquarium of Barcelona is one of the most important centers in the world for studying and preserving the underwater fauna of the Mediterranean Sea. The exposition is presented in the form of 14 separate ecosystems: rocky and sandy coast, algae thickets, underwater caves and grottoes, coral reefs, etc.

Reus Archaeological Museum

Reus, Raval de Santa Anna, 59

 Sights of Catalonia The history of Reus owes much to the remarkable scientist, historiographer, physician and patriotic patriot of his land, Salvador Vilaseca y Anguera, who spent many years of his life studying the surroundings of the city and collecting an amazing collection

Tower Gbar

Avinguda Diagonal, 225 - Barcelona You

 is one of the most recognizable structures in Barcelona - Agbar Tower in the night like a glowing blue, red and purple lights a giant cucumber. According to the architect Jean Nouvel, this form should simultaneously resemble the stone monoliths of Mount Montserrat and the famous fountains-geysers of Barcelona.

Bellesguard Tower

Barcelona, ​​Carrer de Bellesguard, 16

 Attractions of Catalonia Located at the foot of Mount Tibidabo, the Tower of Belésguard is one of the small but precious creations of the great Gaudi . Unusual lines for the master of the facade, however, with characteristic architectural eccentricities inside.

Barcelona Military Museum

Barcelona, ​​Carretera de Montjuic, 66

 Attractions of Catalonia If you flew to Barcelona with son, then do not be lazy to visit the departmental Military Museum in the fortress of Montjuic. Believe me, there will be a lot of impressions. Weapons and uniforms, knight armor and ancient maps, a division of tin soldiers and a model of fortresses and castles - such an exposition will be to your liking.

Palais Güell

Carrer Nou de la Rambla, 3-5 - Barcelona

 Sights of Catalonia The Palace of Guell is the only creation of Gaudi in the Old City. Built in 1880 for a patron and the most faithful client of the architect of textile tycoon Eusebi Güell, the mansion combines several styles: modern, gothic and Islamic motifs.

The Palace of Catalan Music

Carrer de Sant Francesc de Paula, 2

 Attractions of Catalonia The Catalan Music Palace, included in the World Heritage List, is one of the most remarkable buildings in the Art Nouveau style. This is rather a blended blend of architectural elements than the one built in a single stylistic construction.

Amalie House

Passeig de Gracia, 43 - Barcelona

 Attractions of Catalonia Amalie House - "smaller" diamond in crown of the Eixample district, slightly lost on the background of its famous neighbors - not least because there are restoration works inside and to inspect the interiors, alas, not.

Gaudí House Museum

Barcelona, ​​Park Guell, Carretera del Carmel, 23A

 Attractions of Catalonia Getting acquainted with the life and work of Antonio Gaudi, we recommend to continue in Park Guell, where the House- museum of the great Catalan architect. In the House-Museum personal belongings of the master are exhibited, a rich collection of furniture and other masterpieces of art created by Gaudi is presented

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Spanish the historical region of Catalonia, lying in the north-eastern part of the peninsula, is famous for its grand cultural heritage, enclosed in the most beautiful historical and architectural monuments, which are so rich in the cities of this region. Here they speak their language, honor centuries-old traditions and customs, and cherish the memory of their ancestors.

Most of Catalonia's attractions are in the major cities of the region: Barcelona, ​​Girona, Tarragona, Reus, Lerida, Tortosa, Figueras.

In Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is concentrated an incredible number of architectural monuments of various styles and directions . Here you can stroll around the world-famous Boulevard de la Rambla, enjoying the view of old houses, museums and theaters, inhaling the flavors of flowers and sweets that Subscribe sell directly on the pavement . should definitely wander through the maze of narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter, to see the Cathedral and the ruins of the ancient city walls and the Temple of Augustus, and Bishops Palaces of the Generalitat .And, of course, admire the buildings designed by the great modern architect Antonio Gaudí: among them the Sagrada Familia, Casa Milà and Casa Batlló, Park Guell . Barcelona is not in vain called the Spanish capital of modernity!

Lleida is famous for its churches and cathedrals, including the Old Cathedral of the Holy See, the Roser Monastery, the new Lerida Cathedral, the Church of St. Lawrence and the Church of St. Martin. In Girona there is the iconic Jewish Quarter, which is considered one of the best preserved in all Europe.

The epoch of Gothic architecture also left its mark here: in Girona there are magnificent works of the XIV century - the Cathedral of Girona and the Church of St. Philip. A large number of Roman monuments are concentrated in Tarragona, among them an aqueduct, an amphitheater, and on the coast - the Grave of the Scipions. And if you move a little way from the capital to the province, you can see the beautiful medieval monasteries of Santes Creus and Santa Maria de Pobpet.

Catalonia is still worth a visit because there were born three great artists of the 20th century: Miro, Dalí and Tapies. @

In the town of Figueres, the famous artist Salvador Dali was born, and much of his mystically beautiful paintings are in the local museum . And the city of Reus is known for having presented the world to the great architect Gaudi: there is even a special tourist route in his honor that will guide you past the house where he was born, the church of his baptism, the school where he studied . The Gaudi Center is also located in the city where you can get acquainted with the basic features of his work and details of his life . Ancient city of Ampurias the Greek and founded in 600 g . to . . @, there are still excavations in this place, and all this is an interesting open-air museum .

Of course, Catalonia is beautiful not only with architectural monuments . In addition, it is also a wonderful place for recreation: along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the beaches are amazingly beautiful . The most famous resort places of Catalonia: Costa Brava, magical landscapes of which alternate steep cliffs with cozy bays; Costa Dorada with spacious and well-kept beaches; Sitges, recognized as one of the world's most famous gay resorts, with accompanying parades, beach discos and charming romantic places .