Ryazan Region, p. Konstantinovo Located on the steep bank of the Oka River, the village of Konstantinovo is famous for the fact that it was here that on October 3, 1895, the famous Russian poet Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin was born. In Konstantinovo, the poet's childhood and youth passed, which can be easily seen by visiting the State Museum-Reserve
The Museum of Long-Range Aviation at the airbase in Diaghilevo
Ryazan Region, Dyagilevo air base The opening of the Museum of Long-Range Aviation, which took place on April 29, 1975, was timed to coincide with the celebrations of the thirtieth anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Enthusiasts and military historians have done a tremendous job of collecting documents, photographs and personal belongings of famous pilots.
St. John the Theologian Monastery in Poshchupovo
Ryazan Region, Rybnovsky District, p. Poshchupovo On the right bank of the Oka, where once there were only impassable quagmires and ancient forests, the walls of the most ancient monastery of Ryazanschyna - Ioanno-Bogoslovsky - rise. The exact date of construction of this shrine is not known, according to legend, the monastery was founded at the turn of 12-13 centuries by Greek monks.
Staraya Ryazan
Spassk-Ryazanskiy, ul. Sovetskaya, 16 When planning to get acquainted with Old Ryazan, one should not hope for any similarity, for example, with the picturesque ruins of ancient Roman cities. Ryazan realities are much more severe and unfriendly. Imagine fields of about 60 hectares, framed by earthen ramparts.
Starozhilovsky stud farm
Ryazan Region, Starozhilovo Village, ul. Knezavodskaya, d. 1 The most important thing that you should not forget when going to the Starozhilovsky stud farm ... no, this is not a phone or even a camera (although, of course, useful), and carrots, cabbage and sugar - in short, everything without which the horses can not feel full and happy.
Von Derviz Manor in Kiritsy
Ryazan Region, Spassky District, p. Kiritsy It is almost impossible to believe that in the provincial open spaces of the Ryazan region you can find a luxurious fairy-tale palace that would look much more harmonious somewhere in the Bavarian or Czech forests.
Khan Mosque in Kasimov
Kasimov, pl. Pobedy, d. 9Like the Ryazan Kremlin in Ryazan, the Khan Mosque in Kasimov is considered the center of tourist attention and, perhaps, the main purpose of the visit to this cozy provincial town. The snow-white mosque, proudly rising on the Tatar mountain
Unfortunately, not every tourist, carrying packets of souvenir mushrooms with eyes and magnets with famous Ryazan muzhiks, tries to dig deeper, go beyond the boundaries of mass tourist baikas and find out what is really behind a joke about mushrooms with eyes . The same with the other Ryazan symbols: "straggly muzhiks", brave Russian woman Avdotya Ryazanochka, inspired Yesenin are not just brand names imbedded in teeth, but living human fates full of deep meaning . These and many other fragments of the history of Ryazan the Russian region was directly reflected in its culture and displayed on the map of the landmarks of the region .
The cultural wealth of Ryazan can not be overemphasized: like many representatives of the Russian outback, it is full of interesting architectural buildings, Orthodox monasteries and cathedrals, ancient noblemen's estates. To date, about 1,200 architectural and more than 2,200 archaeological sites have been preserved on the territory of the Ryazan Region.
The main attraction of the region, its heart and place of continuous tourist pilgrimage is the Ryazan Kremlin with the Assumption Cathedral of the 18th century. Just imagine a temple the size of a 20-storey house surrounded by ancient, wonderfully decorated rooms, and you will understand why it pleases the eyes of tourists and what the residents of Ryazan are proud of.
Getting acquainted with estates is an integral part of traveling through Ryazan lands, and be sure , they will break the traditional idea of equally cozy Russian estates. The eclectic estate in Chiritsy, for example, resembles a strange palace with cascades of stairs, wrought-iron balconies, turrets and arches, and the Starozhilov stud farm looks like a real Gothic castle with baroque elements and details of ancient Russian architecture.
Visit Academician Pavlov's homeland and not look into The museum-apartment where he was born and spent his childhood and youth is unforgivable. The exhibition halls carefully preserve the atmosphere of a hundred years ago and look so authentic, as if the owner of the house - the first Russian Nobel laureate - came out a few minutes ago. Lovers of high art will lose track of time in the Ryazan State Regional Art Museum, and it is not surprising, because there are more than 12 thousand paintings by Russian and foreign artists.
An hour's drive from the modern center of the region is the ancient capital of the Ryazan principality - Staraya Ryazan . Ce this site is pleased with the tourists with numerous evidences of past life, historical ruins and priceless archaeological finds . Kasimov is a city not less worthy of attention, it has preserved incredible buildings for provincial Ryazan: the 5th century minaret, mosque and two khan's mausoleums . Impossible not to mention the ancient Skopin, surrounded by numerous characteristic villages with their way of life and age-old customs . The original Skopin and its surroundings - the embodiment of a quiet provincial town, drowning th in the greenery of the gardens with rich folklore and craft traditions .