Resurrection Cathedral in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, bul. Saint Innocentia, 3 Visiting the Resurrection Cathedral in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is recommended even for those tourists who are not too keen on religious monuments of architecture. Apart from the fact that this temple is considered to be the Orthodox center of the city, it is also one of its main historical sights.
Reserve "Small Kuriles"
Sakhalin Region Reserve is located in the South Kurile region, on the islands of the Lesser Kuril chain. The reserve includes wintering grounds, nesting places and - concentrations of numerous species of migrating waterfowl and seabirds
Poronaisky Reserve
Sakhalin Region The Reserve is located in Poronaisky area of the Sakhalin region and consists of two sections - Nevsky and Vladimirsky. The territory of the reserve includes a number of typical natural formations and landscapes typical of Sakhalin:
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Local Lore Museum
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 29 Kommunisticheskiy Prospect There are not many preserved in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk old buildings - witnesses of the distant past of the city. In one of such buildings, which shows traces of Japanese rule, the museum of local lore of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is located.
Sakhalin Railroad History Museum
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, ul. Vokzalnaya, 55The construction of railways on Sakhalin began in 1905, continued during the Karafuto period - the time of the Japanese occupation of northern Sakhalin, did not stop in the era of Soviet power. During the years of development of the Sakhalin Railway, a lot of interesting facts have accumulated.
Kurilsky Nature Reserve
Sakhalin Oblast, on. Kunashir The question of creating a reserve in the Kurile Islands and Sakhalin was discussed back in the 1940s in connection with the need to protect seals and sea otters, as well as to preserve the unique flora of the South Kuril Islands . The reserve is located in the territory of the South Kurilsky District of the Sakhalin Region
Natural Park "Moneron Island"
Sakhalin Region, on. Moneron The Nature Park includes Moneron Island, located in the Tatar Strait water area, 50 kilometers west of the southern tip of Sakhalin. A two-mile protected sea zone is formed around the island.
Sakhalin Regional Art Museum
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, ul. Lenina, etc. 137 Sakhalin Regional Art Museum is still young - it was founded only in 1983, but during this time the museum has not badly replenished its funds, and for today day, about 11 500 exhibits from different countries are stored here
So, the basis of Sakhalin Oblast attractions is natural resources . The local nature is undoubtedly capable of conquering even sophisticated travelers . National Parks " Kurilsky and Poronaisky, for example, are generally out of competition . Their territories are woven from powerful and at the same time graceful rocky ridges, covered by coniferous forests and a powerful system of streams and waterfalls . Here, on quiet grounds apostate territories, there live rare animals and birds . And among them there are also such that at the sight of the person they remain absolutely careless, as if they have no fear . Numerous tourist routes are laid across the territory of the nature reserves of the Sakhalin Oblast . Visiting routes free of charge, but at the entrance to the reserve it is necessary to register and be instructed .
In addition to natural benefits, the Sakhalin Region is not deprived of its cultural and historical heritage . If we talk about the earliest archaeological finds, in the Kuril Reserve alone a few dozen monuments of history . In particular, here are well preserved traces of Ainu settlements - the oldest people of Japan, once inhabited the Sakhalin region . However, with a historical It is better to get acquainted with the islands in the Regional Museum of Local Lore in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk . A literally a kilometer away there is the Sakhalin Art Museum - an incredibly rich place and, probably, the best creative playground of the capital . By the way, museum buildings are legally protected architectural monuments .
The main decoration of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is rightly called the Resurrection Cathedral. The church is modern, but it is built in the Old Russian style with the use of compositional techniques of ancient traditions. In addition to it, there are several other temples of similar architecture in the city. An integral part of the architectural image of the capital - spacious memorial complexes, parks, squares. And as long as the wilds of the region attract primeval beauty, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk holds the brand of the cultural center, fascinating with its original beauties.