Voronezh region, Khutor Divnogorie Each time you get to Divnogorie, you seem to be in a completely different world. It seems that the "civilization" in the form of a railway is very close to the city, and a few kilometers to the city, but no - you do not feel it at all here, everything is different here.
Voronezh region, Ramon At first glance, there is nothing remarkable in Ramony: a usual regional center, an ordinary provincial village with its worries and daily routine. But with a more careful study of the curious visitor, the hidden side hidden for the uninitiated will be opened.
Belogorsky Resurrection Monastery
Voronezh Region, p. Belogorye Belogorsky Resurrection Monastery is one of the three active cave monasteries in the territory of the Voronezh Region. Caves are located near the village of Belogorye and the village of Kirpichi on a high chalk hill, along which the monastery got its name.
Voronezh Biosphere Reserve
Voronezh Region, pos. Krasnoslesny, State Reserve, Central Manor Voronezh State Nature Biosphere Reserve, among the locals known also as "Grafsky", owes its appearance to ... beavers. Now the territory of the reserve is more than 30 thousand hectares, and in it, besides the "culprits" of the emergence of the nature protection zone, there are also 334 species of vertebrates.
Princess Castle of Oldenburg
pgt. Ramon The Palace of Eugenia Maximilianovna Oldenburgskaya, nee Romanovskaya, is Ramoni's business card and one of the most famous tourist attractions in the Voronezh Region. The palace enjoys a special demand from the newlyweds: its view is given by a special entourage to wedding photosessions
Kamennaya steppe
Voronezh region, Talovskiy district Under the name Stone Steppe associated with boulders scattered along the steppe open spaces, a natural reserve in the Voronezh Region is hidden. The history of these lands and the creation of protected areas is a clear example of how a person is able to restore the natural space destroyed by his activity.
Voronezh region, from Kostenki How and where the ancient people lived and what happened to the mammoths can be found by visiting the archaeological museum-reserve "Kostenki ". One of the smallest and youngest museums in the Voronezh region contains the oldest exhibits in the region - the site of an ancient man who lived in the era of the Upper Paleolithic.
Kostomarovsky Svyato-Spassky Monastery
Voronezh Region, Podgorensky District, p. Kostomarovo Not far from one of the oldest settlements in the Don region of the Voronezh Region, the village of Kostomarovo, is the Kostomarovsky Holy Spassky Convent. To date, this is one of the three active cave monasteries in the region and one of its main shrines.
Holy Assumption Divnogorsky Monastery
p. Divnogorie The Holy Assumption Divnogorskiy Monastery, founded in the middle of the 17th century, is among the amazing Cretaceous caves of the Pridonie. According to local historians, the first monks moved here along with the Ukrainian Cossacks, who were ordered to protect the nearby Ostrogozhsk fortress.
Venivitinov Manor
Voronezh Region, p. Novozhivotinnoe The Noblesse Nest of Venivitinovs with a stone manor house and a beautiful landscape park is considered one of the oldest surviving estates in the Voronezh Region. The farmstead was founded and formed in the village of Novozhivotnoye for several decades of the 18th century
Khopersky Reserve
Voronezh RegionThe Khoper State Nature Reserve is one of the oldest specially protected areas in Russia, in 2010 the reserve celebrated its 75th anniversary. The name he received in honor of the left tributary of the Don, the River Hoper, which more than 20 years ago, UNESCO even recognized the purest in Europe.
Bobrovsky District, Voronezh Region Hrenovoye Village - with an emphasis on the penultimate syllable - is known not so much in its sonorous name, but thanks to the same horse plant. The Khrenovo stud farm became a landmark place even in the times of the Russian Empire: it was here that the horses of the famous Orlov trotter appeared.
Khutor Loma
Voronezh Region Loma's Farm disappeared with faces of the earth more than 50 years ago, on the map it is now not found, no matter how hard you try. But in its place appeared the natural-landscape park, which has grown to an impressive size and which includes a variety of installations, structures and other attractions.
Ethno-village in Ertil
Voronezh region, Ertil Nothing special about the notorious town of Ertil in the Voronezh region over the past year has become an object of mass tourism thanks to the ethno-museum built here. Its creator calls his creation simply a "village", in which everyone can get acquainted with the peasant way of life of the 18-20th centuries.
Perhaps the most interesting monastery in the Voronezh region is Belogorsky Resurrection. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the monastery is completely located in caves dug in the high chalk hills. Involuntarily comes to mind a comparison with the heavenly country Meteor - and this magnificence is located not far from Moscow.
The magnificent nature of the Voronezh region is preserved in the open spaces of the reserves. Among the most popular among tourists is the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve, where you can watch the life of beavers, and the oldest Khopersky Reserve, celebrating its 75th anniversary. The stone steppe invites you to take a look at the experiments on the restoration of the ruined land - it must be said that they are very successful. You can learn more about the history of Russian lands from the most ancient tribes in the Kostenki archaeological museum - here a Paleolithic man's site is represented, and in an extremely interesting ethnographic park in Ertil you can get acquainted with the way of life of peasants of the 18-20th centuries.