Kazan-Bogoroditsky Monastery in Elabuga today is active, it is female and belongs to the Orthodox Church. Once it was inhabited by a lot of nuns, but to date there are only about 20 novices living in the monastery. Before the revolution of 1918 the monastery was one of the largest in the region, however in the 30s. it was destroyed by order of the authorities. The history of the monastery began in 1850, when the merchant Staheev offered to finance the construction of houses for the women's monastery in the city of Elabuga.

In 1951 Stakheev died, the idea of ​​building continued to be borne by his brother. However, at that time it was not so simple: local authorities had no right to arbitrarily decide on construction. This decision was made at the level of the Tsar Alexander II, and only after its approval in 1856 the construction of the monastery became possible. The first buildings in which the cells were located were erected in 1858, after which the monastery begins to grow rapidly and become frustrated.

The decision to build the monastery was taken at the level of Tsar Alexander II, he not only approved the construction, but also allocated for the creation of the project his court architect.

It is noteworthy that Alexander II not only approved the construction of the monastery in Elabuga, but also allocated his court architect, the famous Julius von Bosse, to create the project of the buildings. Ten years after the first buildings, the church was built - in the very center of the entire complex of buildings. It was given the name in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - hence the name of the whole monastery.

The Revolution of 1918 and the change of power had a very negative impact on the existence of the monastery. Immediately after the end of the revolutionary actions, a children's playground was organized here. However, despite all the changes, the temple continued to function, and the number of novice monks reached 150 nuns at that time. By the standards of those times, this state of affairs was simply unacceptable, and the authorities decided to liquidate the monastery. The church was dismantled, and the bricks went to the construction of other, more important buildings at the time

And only in 1995 the ruins of the temple and the dilapidated monastic corps gave the nuns to the women's community.

They did their best, with the support of local authorities and patrons are trying to restore the former view to the monastery. In 2012, the church was rebuilt in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, but now it is not so majestic as it was before the revolution. Restoration work is carried out here and today. The church of St. Barbara and the chapel of John the Baptist have been restored, several buildings

The anniversary of the hegumeny of Kazan-Bogoroditsky Monastery in Yelabuga

Practical information

It's easy to get to Yelabuga Kazansk-Bogoroditsky convent - it's in the central part of the city along the street Maxim Gorky. It is most convenient to inspect the monastery as part of a group excursion. Entrance to the territory is free. Divine services in the church are held daily: morning - at 8:00, evening - at 16:00.

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Elabuga, ul. Maxim Gorky, 119a.