Add a review about the shamanic center "Ai-Churek"

From the standpoint of culture and tradition, Kyzyl endlessly interesting for its unique . where consensus is fundamentally different teachings: Tibetan Lamaism, Shamanism, Christianity . At the same time representatives of different confessions absolutely peacefully get along with each other . And the benefit is that every spiritual concept brings to the common cause something special, special . For example, the oldest religious cult of humanity - shamanism - is known for its bright rituals and original medical practices . Time it seems that there are not a lot of real shamans to our time, but the unique knowledge still exists . It is regularly transferred from ancestors to descendants .

Especially for this purpose in Kyzyl the religious and cultural center of shamanism "Ai- Churek. " The center specializes in conducting rituals, healing practices, protecting the holy places of the Republic of Tuva, and as a primary mission, it aims to preserve the traditional way of life and spiritual values.

"Ai-Churek" is founded by one of the most famous shamans of our time, Nine barrows ", - Ay-Churek Oyun. It is rumored that at the time of the birth of the future healer in the street, a terrible element was waving. But as soon as the girl was born, the storm suddenly calmed down, and a huge bright moon played in the sky. This is how the newborn was named - Ai-Churek - the heart of the moon.

The Shaman center is located in a picturesque place at the fork of the Big and Small Yenisei. Here, in the central part of the city, the most interesting places are concentrated.

Even as a child, Ai-Churek noticed that she could hear the voices of mountain spirits and speak with animals. At that moment, the realization came that she was the same guide between the worlds, the link between people and spirits. Ay-Churek decided to always take care of people and did not change her plans even during the Soviet rule, when shamans almost shared the fate of the medieval witches. This continues to this day: the healer does not deny either the poor or the rich.

Shaman ritual Ai-Churek Oyun

The Ay-Churek Center together with the shamanic clinic is located in the premises of the shaman organization Toss-Deer, which also headed by Ai-Churek Oyun. It hosts various seminars on attracting happiness, wealth, health and longevity, as well as the application classes in throat singing, the prediction on the rocks, and so on. D. As an individual rites practiced shamanic massage, cleansing tambourine, traditional shamanic ritual rite, and so on. Etc. .

Services of the center "Ay-Churek" are paid. Depending on the level of complexity of the rite, its cost can vary from 800 to 5000 RUB. Preliminary in the center you can get detailed information about the rituals and read the brochures

The Shaman center is located in a picturesque place at the fork of the Big and Small Yenisei . Here in the central part of the city, the most interesting places are concentrated . So, not far from "Ay-Chureka" is the central square of Kyzyl - the most beautiful and visited place in the city . Here you can admire the fountain complex and turn the largest in Russia prayer drum . Nearby there is a monument "Center of Asia", defining the unique awn geographical location Kyzyl . also within walking distance of the city's main museums are based .


Address: Kyzyl, ul. Krasniy Partizan, 18 A.

Tel .: + 7 (915) 394-06-73.

Working time is not regulated.

Prices are indicated for 2014