Submit review about Magnitogorsk Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin

As is known, the culture, and especially its propagandistic role, was given the utmost importance during the construction of communism . It is no coincidence that simultaneously with the development of the metallurgical plant in Magnitogorsk, the foundation of the future Melpomene temple was laid . In the 1930s yy . the participants of local amateur groups joined together in the propaganda team, which took up staging performances on the actual plays for that time . Performances were held directly in the workshops and on construction sites, in public premises of the hostels . "Gen. Alaskan Road "," For Cultural Barracks "," Parasites "- similar names flashed on the first posters of the young theater . Two years later he was given the status of professional and official name: Magnitogorsk Theater of Working Youths . In the formation of the theatrical collective took an active part metropolitan directors . For several years the artistic director of the theater in Magnitogorsk was the director of the Moscow Academic Small Theater L . M . Prozorovsky, contributed to . N . Burns, U . P . Velikhov, B . And . Nikolsky, F . A . Bocharov .

@ According to the magazine Forbes 2011, the Magnitogorsk Drama Theater is in the top 10 of the best provincial theaters in Russia

The troupe demonstrated the fruitful work results in the spring of 1933 with the premiere of "The Street of Joy", and next year the work Magnitogorsk actors were appreciated at the All-Union theatrical Olympiad in Moscow. In 1935 the Workers' Youth Theater was transformed into a dramatic one, and two years later it was named after A.S. Pushkin.

A little more history

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, some of the company went to the front, but the theater continued its truly popular mission: performances were given in hospitals, military units and even at the front.

After the war the cultural life of the city began to gradually return to the front the old troupe replenished with new actors, and the theater itself found a new building . Soon the period of stagnation came, after a succession of successful performances in which the invited directors brightly showed themselves, frank failures followed, and in 1990 the . theat It was decided to close . Fortunately, not for long: after the reorganization, the New Experimental Drama Theater received the status of a municipal theater . In addition to the former actors, newcomers from the Dushanbe Theater joined the rejuvenated troupe . In March 1997 the . theater was again renamed, this time to the Drama Theater named after A . . Pushkina .

Modern Theater Activity

Magnitogorsk Drama Theater cooperates with many Russian and even foreign bands. So, for three years on his stage was shining French actress Anne Seler. The performances "Warsaw Melody" and "Memento" with her participation made an unforgettable impression on the audience. I remember Magnitogorsk and the famous actress Annie Girardeau, she presented a solo performance "Madame Margarit."

The festival's activity is full and festive. Since 1993, he regularly hosts the international festival "Theater without Borders". In 2005 and 2006 the scene of the Magnitogorsk Drama Theater was given for the performances of the contemporary art festival "Another Reality."

In 2008, a truly significant event happened in the history of the theater: the performance "Thunderstorm" staged by the St. Petersburg director Lev Ehrenburg won the "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Best dramatic performance of small form."

According to Forbes magazine in 2011, the Magnitogorsk Drama Theater is one of the top 10 most worthy provincial theaters in Russia.

Performance "Thunderstorm" on the stage of the Magnitogorsk Drama Theater

Useful information

Address: Magnitogorsk, Lenin Avenue, 66,

Phone: +7 (35-19) 26-70-86.

E -mail:

The theater can be reached by shuttle buses No. 5, 7, 22, 31, 31A and 39 to the stop "Dramteatr".