Add a review about the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant

Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant is often confused with the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, which gave the world hunting guns IZH, as well as Makarov and Yarygin pistols. The weaponry of both plants also adds confusion, although they have been divided more than 70 years ago.

From the history of the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant

In the history of our country, the 18th century was a time of large-scale industrial development . At this time in different parts of the country one for others began to appear in numerous industrial enterprises, the first of which were iron-making plants in the Urals intended for the processing of pig iron . In the 1760s two similar factories appeared on the Izh River, and half a century later on Izhevsk ironworks by decree of Emperor Paul began construction of an arms factory on the Kama .The plant was managed by the Weapons Office established in 1807, the foundation of which gave a powerful impetus to the development of the "Izh city" .. More than 11 million small guns produced Izhmash during the war years, even all the German factories can not boast of such a result.

In ten years there appeared ten large stone plants, several auxiliary premises made of wood, and the main factory building with a tower also grew. By the end of the 19th century, weapons and steelmaking facilities were set up at the factory, rolling and tooling were added to them after a few years, and in the 20th century the plant produced a variety of machines, motorcycles, weapons, and motor saws

Izhevsk Arms (Machine Building) Plant

@ In 1939 Izhevsk plant is divided into metallurgical and machine building, which focused on the production of weapons. More than 11 million small guns produced Izhmash during the war years, even all the German plants together can not boast such a result.

After the Great Patriotic War Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant expands production, motorcycles are added to the guns, and later the plant switches to cars .

Postwar history

Pages of the modern history of Izhmash are no less full of events and occasions for pride

Today modernized Kalashnikov assault rifles, sniper rifles and others in the factory shops are manufactured military rifles, Biathlon rifles, grenade launchers, small cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as machines and tools . In addition, the factory employs a school of gunsmithing and the Museum of Plant History, as well as the Union of Russian Weaponsmen . @.In 2007, . in honor of the anniversary of Izhmash, a liturgy was held in which the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II awarded the employees of the enterprise the Order of the Holy Great Prince Dimitri Donskoi II degree .

Similar to the Admiralty Needle in St. Petersburg , the elegant tower of the factory building "Izhmash" became a true symbol of Izhevsk.

Practical information

Address: Izhevsk, Deryabin's travel, 3.

Phone: +7 (3412) 51-22-83; 49-55-31.

On weekdays before the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, located in the central part of the city, you can reach by public transport. Buses No. 8, 12, 15, 34 are running past him, as well as fixed-route taxi No. 10 (stop "Zavodoupravlenie"). When planning a visit to the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, do not forget that the weekend traffic on this route does not go.

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