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The main orthodox landmark of Valday - Iversky Monastery - is on the Selvitsky Island of the Valdai Lake. The monastery was founded in the middle of the 17th century in the likeness of a monastery on Mount Athos.

The Iversky Monastery is open for visits from 6.00 to 21.00. For tourists and pilgrims, the clergy of the monastery conduct daily tours.

Today the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, the Epiphany Church, several Gate-churches, a chapel with the burial-vault, the Pilgrim Center, as well as economic and administrative buildings are located on the territory of the Valdai Iversky Monastery.

Iversky Monastery

The Iversky Monastery is open for visits from 6.00 to 21.00. For tourists and pilgrims, the monastery staff conducts daily excursions. True, you need to pre-register by phone and indicate the number of people in your tour group. In Iversky Monastery, tourists are accommodated in a hotel building (with overnight accommodation and meals), but these questions should also be agreed with the Pilgrim Center

And call about excursions and accommodation by phone: +7 (911) 614-66- 94.

You can get to the island, where the Iversky Monastery is located, by boat. It runs daily: on weekdays the ship "Zarya-211" departs from the pier of Valdai at 10.00, 12.00, 14.00 and 16.00, on Saturday and Sunday - at 9.00. The ticket for the ship costs 30 rubles (for adults) and 15 rubles (for children).

After a visit to the Iberian monastery, you can go for a walk in the Valdai lake on the same boat.

The ride lasts about an hour (departing from the island - in 17.00) and costs only 50 rubles. Children's ticket will cost two times cheaper, that is, 25 rubles

All prices are for October 2013

 Iversky Monastery, panorama, Valday  Iversky Monastery
Iversky Monastery, panorama
 Iversky Monastery, Valdai  Iversky Monastery
Iversky Monastery
 Holy Gates with Gateway Church of St. Philip, Iversky Monastery, Valdai  Iversky Monastery
The Holy Gates with the Gate Church of St. Philip, Iversky Monastery
 Refectory with the Church of the Epiphany, Iversky Monastery, Valdai  Iversky Monastery
Refectory with the Church of the Epiphany, Iver Monastery

Reviews of the Iversky Monastery (1)

Evaluation 9

A wonderful monastery in a beautiful environment. July 28, 2014

was here in July 2013
To get to the Valdai Iversky Bogoroditsky Svyato-Ozersky monastery is very simple and on land ransporte. As, the ship goes to the monastery not often: only four times a day, plus a morning flight at nine o'clock on the weekends, it is better to do it by car. Any taxi driver from the bus or railway station will be happy to make such a move for two hundred rubles, because the shore of the lake, Rowan and Selvitsky Islands are connected by bridges. Around the building of the pilgrimage service is organized ... Read the whole review
 Iversky Monastery  Iversky Monastery  Iversky Monastery  Iversky Monastery  Iversky monastery  Iversky monastery  Iversky monastery  Iversky monastery  Iversky monastery  Iversky monastery  Iversky monastery  Iversky monas yr  Iversky monastery Iversky monastery Iversky monastery