Bath, a phenomenon for our person is not even alien, was very popular in ancient Rome. However, the ancient Roman bath-saunas were called - the thermae. They came here to get warm, wash, and talk business, discuss business matters, find good partners for their ancient Roman business. In general, our connoisseurs of bathhouses still have to study and learn. Well, to go through these "bathhouse universities", welcome to Rome, to the famous bath complex called Terma Caracalla
it is surprising that the vast, majestic and luxurious building baths of Caracalla on his appointment was "only" public baths, sulivshimi visitor, however, many different clocks braznogo leisure, not only bathing and swimming, but also sports, as well as intellectual. It was a gigantic public building, striking in its size and richness of decoration. It can be argued that the Caracalla Baths equally grandiose and monumental as the Colosseum or the mausoleum of Hadrian.
Indoors term, having dimensions of 337 by 328 meters , at the same time there could be more than 1500 people. In 537, the barbarians blocked the Roman aqueducts, and many of the terms, including the terms of Caracalla, began to decline.
The period of oblivion lasted until the 14th century, when Pope Paul III Farnese began excavating the site of the former term, material for the construction of a new palace . It was then that two statues of Hercules, two baths of porphyry were found, one of which today functions as a fountain bowl on Farnese Square, and another is stored in the Vatican . Another granite column was raised to the surface, was subsequently endowed with the Medici dukes . At the same time recorded sources and periodic use of the Baths of Caracalla as a venue for concerts luxurious Rome - a tribute that pays mostly clearer in the second half of the past century, more intact and more "correct" monuments .
Today, when you find yourself in the Caracalla thermae, a traveler is unlikely to feel pity for these ruins or the desire to even mentally return the building to its original good. The ruins of the Caracallian term are absolutely not pitying - their scale is too large, too obvious is the grandeur of what is left of them. That's why they are perceived as a natural, landscape object, like a natural mountain (although man-made is never forgotten).
As you can only imagine the initial design of the interiors of the term, and the sophisticated systems of water supply and heating, you can hardly imagine buildings and transitions, supports and spans, but the impression of grandeur and surprise from the prosaic bath role of this mountain (and we and they did not think that bathhouses are like that!)
So that the level of development of civilization can be judged not only by military victories and philosophical treatises, but also by because, what kind of baths this civilization left after itself. And now Ancient Rome remains an example for us.
It only remains to add that today the terms of the Caracalla come not only to feel the grandeur and grandeur of the Empire, to see the ruins of the largest bathhouse in the history of mankind, but also to listen to music, for the theaters have long become a concert stage, which act on stage opera and pop singers and groups
Address:. Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 52, Roma
The terms of Caracalla |
Within the term Caracalla |